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Pool Opening June 13th

Published: June 12, 2020

Your Board of Directors has been working hard over the last few weeks with many entities about the best way to open our neighborhood pool and maintain the safety of our residents. Due to COVID-19, many operational changes are having to be made. With these changes, we are excited to announce that starting this Saturday, June 13th, the pool will be open, operating at a reduced capacity at 50% of normal capacity, (20 people including a monitor). The board and management thank you for your continued patience while we continue to navigate the pandemic crisis and transition into summer and please observe the following rules and guidelines:

    • The first two weekends the pool will be open Saturday & Sunday only from 12pm to 8pm and the following weekdays will be determined based on Pool Monitors available.
    • We will need residents who are willing to volunteer to act as Pool Monitor, to maintain proper capacity and cleanliness. A link sign-up will be available on our website or contact Stefanie Throneberry.
    • The pool will be open only on days when we have monitors committed to assist. We are hopeful that with the community’s help and understanding we can be open each weekend, until such time we can fully open.
    • Pool use will be first come, first serve. All homeowners will be asked to sign a waiver before entering the pool area each time you enter.
    • The pool is open only to residents of Marine Creek Meadows. No guests or parties of any kind are allowed at this time.
    • Everyone entering the pool must be accompanied by a Marine Creek Meadows HOA Resident that is 18 yrs. or over with a valid state ID and active key card. No exceptions will be made. Key cards will be active for everyone that is in good standing with Marine Creek Meadows HOA.
    • All CDC guidelines must be followed in addition to normal pool rules while in the pool area.
    • Please practice social distancing and good hygiene habits while in the pool area. If you have symptoms or are not feeling well, please do not visit the pool.
    • Pool Monitors will monitor pool capacity and social distancing guidelines, please be courteous to the monitors as they have your best interest at heart.
    • We are asking that you limit your pool use to 2 hours or less as a courtesy to your fellow residents. If the pool is at capacity, the pool monitor may either ask you to leave (if you have been there for two hours, or you may be asked to come back at a later time. pools. There will be additional signage for you to read and comply with while using the pools.

Please note, that the volunteer Pool Monitor is NOT a Lifeguard, there is NO Lifeguard on duty.

We have attached the waiver that will be signed when entering the pool along with Covid-19 warnings and guidelines that must be followed. Here is the link for anyone wishing to help volunteer be a pool monitor.


Marine Creek Meadows
Board of Directors

Click here to download and read the MarineCreekMeadowsWaiver

Click here to download and read the COVID Sign (vbp) (003)

Marine Creek Meadows HOA

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