Published: June 26, 2020
Due to our current national pandemic, until further notice, only the Spoon Drift Pool at the back of our neighborhood will be open from Friday to Monday 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm, as long as a pool monitor has volunteered for each of the 2 hour time slots during that timeframe. For a time slot that does not have a volunteer pool monitor signed up, then the pool will be closed. You can click the link at the bottom to see if a neighborhood member has signed up to be a volunteer pool monitor or not before you head to the pool. Click Full Story for more information.
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Marine Creek Meadows HOA
Published: June 12, 2020
Your Board of Directors has been working hard over the last few weeks with many entities about the best way to open our neighborhood pool and maintain the safety of our residents. Due to COVID-19, many operational changes are having to be made. With these changes, we are excited to announce that starting this Saturday, June 13th, the pool will be open, operating at a reduced capacity at 50% of normal capacity, (20 people including a monitor). Click Full Story for more information.
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Marine Creek Meadows HOA
Published: June 01, 2020
As public aquatic venues open in some areas, CDC offers the following considerations for the safety of those who operate, manage, and use public pools, hot tubs, and water playgrounds. All decisions about implementing these considerations should be made locally, in collaboration with local health officials. Operators of public aquatic venues can consult with local officials to determine if and how to implement these considerations while adjusting them to meet the unique needs and circumstances of the local jurisdiction. Their implementation should also be informed by what is feasible, practical, and acceptable. Click Full Story for more information.
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Marine Creek Meadows HOA